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School News

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  • Chestnut Class News

    Published 08/02/24

    Chestnut Class have been learning to write in a formal style this term.

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  • Cake Sale

    Published 23/11/23

    WSA Cake Sale on 1st December

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  • 600 minutes and over £80!

    Published 21/11/23

    A great achievement

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  • Christmas Fayre News

    Published 16/11/23

    Click on the link below for more information about the WSA Christmas Fayre.

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  • Wells Festival of Literature winners

    Published 11/11/23

    Thank you to Macmillan for the fantastic books!

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  • Treak Trek

    Published 09/11/23

    We'll be Wookey-Working Out in support of our friends in Treak this week.

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  • Remembrance

    Published 08/11/23

    Poppies on sale at school.

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  • Wells Festival of Literature

    Published 03/11/23

    Year 6 met M.G Leonard at the Wells Festival of Literature on Thursday. Read on to find out more.

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  • Tea and Talk

    Published 02/11/23

    Thursday, 3.20-4pm

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  • Welcome to Missy!

    Published 02/11/23

    We want to say huge congratulations to Mrs Valet, whose baby was born at the weekend!

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  • School Governor fundraising for Cancer Research

    Published 09/10/23

    Please read this report from one of our pupils

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  • Pupil Voice

    Published 28/09/23

    Some of our older children have written letters to the parish council about road safety around the school

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