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Pupil Voice

Some of our older children have written letters to the parish council about road safety around the school

This week we received a reply from the council, stating

"Once again, the Council discussed the problems of traffic along the B3139 especially during school hours.  The Parish Council has investigated how we can improve this and to date we have been unable to find a way forward.

With your permission I will be writing to the Executive Member for Highways and Transport, SCllr Mike Rigby with copies of the children’s letter in the hope that we can eventually make the necessary improvements.

It was suggested that, with your agreement, we invite Cllr Rigby to meet with the children and staff to discuss the problem.  Please let me know if this would be something you would like me to arrange. 

In the meantime, please know that the Parish Council continues to work to make this a safe and happy community for all."

I am sure that the children will have a good discussion with Cllr Rigby and I will let you know whether they manage to use their voices to get anything done about this important issue.