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Our Staff and Governors

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Davies (Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs Fisher (Acting Deputy Headteacher, Rowan Class Teacher)

Miss Furner (SENCO, Senior Mental Health Lead and Willow Class Teacher)

School Staff

Mrs Salma (EYFS Leader and Rowan Class Teacher) 

Miss Pidgeon (Oak Class Teacher)

Mr Anderton (Willow Class Teacher)

Mrs Ash (Chestnut Class teacher)

Mrs Burke (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Gainey (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Ham (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)

Miss Ham (Teaching Assistant)

Ms Heath (Teaching Assistant, ELSA)

Miss Lewis (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Minton (Teaching Assistant)

Ms Pronenko (Teaching Assistant and Preschool Practitioner)

Preschool Staff

Miss Main (Preschool Leader and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Ms Marsh (Preschool Practitioner)

Ms Pronenko (Teaching Assistant and Preschool Practitioner)

Ms Alderman (Lunchtime Supervisor)

Office Staff

Mrs Bisgrove (Office Manager)

Mrs Brewster (Finance Officer)

Ms Bailey (Admin Assistant) 

Premises Staff

Mr Perrone (Caretaker)


Wookey School is very fortunate to have a committed and supportive group of governors.  It is a testimony to the school that parents and members of the community are prepared to give their time freely and willingly; we are very grateful for their support.  Below is a list of our governors and their responsibilities. You can learn more about them by opening the 'Governor Profiles' document.