Friday 10th May 2024
As we do every year, we will be thinking especially of our Year 6 children next week as they embark upon a week of SATs testing. We know that they are ready to show us what they are capable of. We also know that, whilst we want them to do well next week, SATs are only a small part of their learning journey.
Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Black at half-term, as she will be retiring after over a decade at Wookey Primary School. Trudy will be greatly missed as she has been a hugely important and much valued member of our team. She has had a big impact on the lives of many, many children that she has supported, and I know that they, like us, will always look back on their time with her with great warmth. We wish Tudy nothing but happy times in her much deserved retirement.
I may be tempting fate, but now seems like the time that I should send out my annual reminder for children to bring hats etc. to school to keep them safe from the sun. We have seen a majority of children doing just that this week, but many (including a lot of our older children) are putting themselves at risk by not coming to school with everything they need to cope with the sunny weather. Please be aware that we will continue to remind children over the coming weeks and, if needs be, we will keep children inside at playtimes / lunchtimes if they are not coming to school sun-safe.