For the last 6 weeks, a group of keen students have taken part in a STEM robotics club. The students discovered that robots can be very different from the traditional idea of a film or cartoon robot.
They discovered that robots are movable machines that can do a job or perform a task that humans may find too repetitive, complex or boring, and they discussed movement and use of robots in domestic settings, industry, medicine and even in space and the deepest oceans.
They examined how robots are powered and how they move and spent some time examining the inner workings of some de-powered electronic devices, to understand the complexities of electronic circuits.
They played some games to explore Artificial Intelligence and discussed how it is created and how it is utilised.
Finally, they were tasked with modelling a robot or a machine. They were given free rein and their designs were all their own. The final results were incredibly imaginative and creative.
Their course leader was impressed with how well they listened, how enthusiastic they were about every task and how much they remembered each week.